
6 02, 2017

POPI is not about jail time and fines

2017-02-06T11:42:27+02:00February 6th, 2017|information, risks|0 Comments

A lot has been made of the maximum penalties in POPI. How exposed are business owners really to long jail terms and large fines? The often quoted R10m and / or 10 years imprisonment provision is a maximum penalty and only applies if you: hinder, obstruct or unlawfully influence the Regulator  POPI s100 fail to comply with an [...]

15 09, 2015


2015-09-15T08:55:59+02:00September 15th, 2015|risks|0 Comments

Weak passwords Imagine a vault encased in thick steel walls, inside a building with a state of the art alarm system with guards and dogs patrolling the 4m high electrified perimeter fence. Now imagine that a master key capable of opening the gate, front door and vault can be bought for R10 at the local hardware store. This is [...]

17 08, 2015

Public wifi

2015-08-17T17:58:24+02:00August 17th, 2015|risks|0 Comments

Like any radio signal, wifi can be received by anyone within range. So, what's to stop a third party from parking outside your house and watching you surf the net, do your banking etc? The answer is encryption. Home and work networks are usually encrypted so that any eavesdroppers would only receive an unintelligible jumble of characters. Unlike [...]

27 07, 2015

USB Flash Drives

2015-07-27T13:05:43+02:00July 27th, 2015|risks|0 Comments

Whether you call them 'memory sticks', 'flash drives', 'flash disks' or 'thumb drives', these USB devices are inexpensive, tiny and make it super easy to transfer data between computers. Unfortunately the convenience comes with risk. Information loss / theft  Probability: very high Their size make them easy to carry but it also makes them easy to lose. While [...]


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